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Monday, October 03, 2005

Langley Cruise-In

Here are some of the photos I shot at the annual Langley Cruise-In this year:

This is the General Lee, one of the actual cars used in the Dukes of Hazzard movie.

There were lots of Cobras there. I liked this one:

Here's a rare car:

No car show is complete without a DeLorean:

There were even a few cool bikes there. Here's one with a chrome guitar case:

This was my favorite car at the show. The paint on this car was amazing, you really had to be there to appreciate it fully:


Wendi said...

These are great!

My dad has an old red pickup truck like the one in the picture half way down. Its his baby!!

Hey, I added a new photoblog to my regular blog....if you get a chance check it out :)

Mark Klotz said...

Thanks Wendi! Glad you like em. I like old trucks too, but my favourite are those old deuce coups, those are cool.

I'm gonna check out your new photoblog now.


Mark Klotz said...

Thanks for coming by Keith! It sounds like you had some really cool cars! I'm glad you liked my photos.

