Still, who am I to complain about the rain, when there are people crazy enough to jump into the water at this time of year? Ya gotta love 'em!
So, as promised, here are the photos:
There were some Vikings there, and you just know when there's Vikings, there's gonna be trouble:

I think this was their leader:

Here is a shot of the crowd waiting in the rain:

And some of the swimmers getting prepared to go in:

And of course there were clowns there too(I think someone was throwing rice at them. I'm not sure where it was coming from):

Eventually, about 20 minutes before the official dive-in time, they let the participants into the big square 'holding pen' where they can get psyched out:

There they go into the holding pen. Check out the frozen news camera man in the center:

Here is another Viking showing off for the media:

Participants in the holding pen stripping down to their swim wear for the event:

Seconds before the actual diving in part, the crowd is hyped up by some blue guys:

And they're off!:

And here come the first ones back out again:

While some others swim further out:

Here is an example of how hard the rain was coming down. These people won't be getting dry anytime soon:

Lots more people going in and out:

Quite a few of the paricipants posed for photos by friends and family:

These to fellas look like they've been working out:

A tie will do little to keep you warm:

Elvis was there too!:

I saw Miss Piggy, but I didn't see Kermit anywhere:

In case you are wondering how cold the water is, let us examine the expression on this woman's face:

There were a few late stragglers that still wanted to jump in. Here's a happy looking couple:

I think this guy is praying for someplace warm where he can drink a gallon of hot coco!:

Here's one of the clowns hamming it up with some of the local police:

I think this is the last guy out of the water. He must be frozen. The lifeguard behind him is waiting patiently:

Even though it was raining, I still had fun. Maybe next year It'll be sunny, but who knows, it could be snowing even. It's always a blast.