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Saturday, August 14, 2004

What a mess eh?!


That's because tomorrow (Sunday, August 14th) the apartment complex I live in is having it's annual yard sale. I have a whole lot of stuff to get rid of and so does my best friend who's also going to help. I hope it all sells, because, I seem to be slipping into the 'pack rat' habit of my parent's generation. Yeah, I took a good look around today and thought,
I have way to much junk that's just taking up space. It's atta here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's NOT a mess! Wait until you live in a house for several years and see how much stuff you have accumulated. But, clutter does affect your sense of well being. And when it becomes an overwhelming mountain of stuff, it seems bleak. Good luck with the sale.
Edward in New Orleans